About the program

Why do translators need a better search engine than EUR-Lex?

EUR-Lex contains a great deal of useful information, but its search engine is not adapted to the needs of translators. If a user wants to obtain a translation of a particular term, the whole procedure consists of four steps:
  1. The user enters the search query, selects the language and clicks the search button.
  2. The program searches the database and lists the first 10 hits (or up to 10 hits if there are fewer). By clicking the title of the document, the user obtains the text in the source language.
  3. By clicking one of the languages listed above the document, a new window opens, showing aligned text in source and target languages.
  4. The user enters the search query in the web browser (usually by pressing Ctrl F) and the first hit is shown in context. Other hits can be seen by pressing the F3 button.
The whole process is rather time consuming (three searches are made in EUR-Lex database and one search in the document on the screen) and thus rather user-unfriendly.

EUR+Lex simplifies this process as much as possible: the user defines the search parameters and clicks the search button. On the output page, only the relevant parts of the documents will be shown (the output is similar to a display from a bilingual corpus). At the top of each data block, the Celex number and the title of the original document is specified, and by clicking the links a full text of the document can be seen in source, target or both languages.

The EUR+Lex program performs all of the above-mentioned search steps, so the user sometimes has an impression that the search is slow, because often one has to wait several seconds to get the results. However, by measuring the standard EUR-Lex search time and comparing it with new EUR+Lex search time, it can be proven that the latter is always faster, because user interventions are not needed.

Search instructions

Enter the search term in the entry field, select the source and target languages, and number of hits per document. Search time partially depends on the number of hits, because the program has to search several pages to obtain more results, so the initial setting is relatively low.

Fast search during translation

IntelliWebSearch (IWS) is an inexpensive program that allows shortcuts to be made to frequently used search sites (e.g. Google, Wikipedia, One-look dictionaries – as well as EUR+Lex). IWS also allows you to search local resources (dictionaries on your PC). After installing IWS (this is a very simple operation), it is necessary to enter the following strings in the program settings (IWS. ver. 3):

Start: https://miranov.site/eurlex/wget8.php?jezik=slov&maxpphits=3&sl1=EN&tl1=SL&beseda=
Shortcut key: Any combination, e.g.: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E (press the keys: Ctrl Shift Alt E)

In this case the start string uses English as a source language and Slovene as a target language; you can change the (blue) language codes according to your needs. You can see the available language codes on the left side of Eur-Lex (labelled as From and To; language codes are case sensitive).

In the default program setting, the source language is English and the target language is Slovene. You probably use another language combination more often, so you can save it as a bookmark. For example, if you mostly translate from German to French, the appropriate web address for a bookmark (or shortcut) is:


The meaning of the tags in the string above:
- sl1 means the source language
- tl1 means the target language
- jezik=angl means that the user interface language is English.

Solutions of search-related problems